Monday, June 29, 2009

Effective Parenting : Discipline is about the 2 Cs

Discipline is not just about consequences. It has to do more with communication and consistency.

Click on the link below for a radio interview with Shazmin of BFM on this topic :

Happy listening!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Answers Academy Session 2

It's wonderful to have families coming together to re-affirm our commitment to the Bible as the authoritative source for all areas of life and to reflect upon the dangers of being led astray by worldly, humanistic philosophies. Since most of our children are aged 12 and below, we see this as critical window for building strong foundations in the next generation - but it begins with the parents first. At the end of our session together, we walked away with the conviction that if we as Bible-believing parents do not provide ANSWERS which are based on Scripture as our starting point, then our children will be blown to-and-fro by any and every fancy worldview that comes along. I am thankful for this group of parents who are committed to teaching a Biblical Worldview to the next generation!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Basic Principle of DESIGN

Feelings of inferiority has its roots when we cannot accept the "un-changeables" in us. One primary "un-changeable" is physical features. My heart cringes when I hear children calling each other names which belittle and demean another person's physical features - making fun of a person's nose, complexion, eyes etc.

Do not be surprised if you find your child paying too much attention on clothes and appearance - it may point to a feeling of bitterness that he or she is not grateful for the way that she looks. My job as a parent then is to re-assure my child and re-affirm to self-worth both to God and also to me. This is a teachable moment to emphasize that outward beauty is not related to inward happiness.

So much of what we see around us - the beauty pageants and the best-looking contests - sends a deceptive signal to our kids that if left unchecked will create a constant comparing attitude and distract them from what's really important. I am responsible to create an environment at home where my children are accepted and taught that they should be grateful for the way that God made them. God loves to write last chapters and it my role as a parent to disciple my children not to give up just after reading the "first chapter".