Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Process of a Conclusion

As the spiritual head at home, I have a tendency to communicate conclusions. What do I mean? Conclusive Communications is a method of delivering the result of my thinking to my children without helping them to go through the hard work of processing the necessary "logic research" that will make truth personal. That to me is the greatest danger of being a teacher - teaching without reaching.

A group of 8 families gathered together in Kampar from Aug 7-9 a few weeks ago to process through what it means for us parents to play the role of thought leadership at home i.e. the urgent (and important) need for us to develop a Biblical Worldview starting from the very first verse of the Bible. While the kids had to their own fun time (under the capable leadership of Valerie Tan), the parents went through the Answers Academy curriculum where our "eyes" were open to the subtleness of worldly philosophies in education. How we need to reclaim back the glory which belongs to our Creator God!

What was the conclusion of this "Answers Retreat"? We as parents need to :
  1. Reinforce the Authority of the Bible as the starting point of all our teaching.
  2. Develop the Conviction of our children so that their faith in God becomes a personal one.
  3. Build the right Thinking skills so that our children is able to discern error and communicate truth.