Friday, December 28, 2012

Where The Mockingbird Sings

Just finished the bird cage prop for Eunice home-made drama production called "Where Mockingbird Sings". I am so encouraged by her talent of being able to create the script from scratch and then to pool together the acting resources from the cell group kids.

Monday, December 17, 2012

2012 in Review (Jan - Mar)

Chinese New Year is usually the big highlight at the start of any year! Amidst the eating and reveling, I sometimes wonder how much of a connection do I make with my family members? Each year comes and go but what type of relational deposits do I make before the next year comes along? In particular, my grandmother is already in her 80s - what sort of memories is she developing? How can I contribute to her remaining years? How can the Gospel of Jesus Christ be made real to her?
First educational trip of the year - right in the evening at POS Malaysia's operation in Shah Alam. Wow - we never realize the complicated machines and processes which treats each letter that we send! These type of trips create more than just awareness - we are grateful for those who work tireless behind the scenes so that end users like us can enjoy the convenience of communication.
Eunice had her first stitching experience! While taking a dive during her swimming class, her chin scrapped hard against the pool's edge (we hear later that this is a common occurrence for kids!) and the first attempt was for a clinic doctor to glue the tear but it was too deep. Praise God that a paediatrician was available to attend to her - so, 6 stitches on the inside and another 6 on the outside. Am encouraged that her joyful attitude remain resilient!
First Orang Asli mission day trip visit together as a family with my friend's church. Experiencing the culture of another is like a breath of fresh air as we see the diversity of God's hand at work across the lands.
Conducted my first-ever Youth Camp based on a Creation Apologetics theme in Sarawak. It was so encouraging to hear and answer many of the questions which young people have concerning a Biblical viewpoint of history, science and origins. Click here for more blog postings and details.
Ended the Q1 of 2012 with a trip to Shanghai (primarily for business) but stayed on a few days to meet up with old friends from Singapore who are now residing in China. How the years have passed (and our children have grown!). Life is peppered with joyful reunions - how glorious it would be when we all gather in that one grand reunion in that coming Heavenly City. Come, Lord Jesus, Maranatha!