Saturday, May 30, 2009

Our Origins Define Our Outlook

Spend time at a drug rehab center this morning addressing the topic on the origins of man. It was encouraging to hear the active questions being asked - which highlighted to me that the "rehabilitation process" covers more than just the physical aspect. Those who were there also had a high degree of intellectual curiosity to the validity of a Biblical woldview. They wanted to know who and where they came from - it is so satisfying to discover that the Bible has a great deal to say about our origins.

So, there is not only the renewal of the physical body that is part of the rehabilitation process, there is also a deeper need to "rehabilitate" the mind as well - with a Biblical view of creation

Monday, May 25, 2009

Answers Academy Session 1

My heart is thrilled to see a group of parents who are interested in transferring truth to the next generation! We officially started our first ANSWERS group meeting yesterday using the Answers Academy DVD-based curriculum. We can outsource the training of skills but when it comes to values and matters of faith - the best persons to do the job are the parents (especially the dads!). 

What was Chapter One covered yesterday? We touched on the difference between a naturalistic and a biblical worldview of life. Do we see God actively involved in the history of the world or have we reduced Him to just an afterthought? Instead of starting from the "truth" of man's opinion, we as parents need to train ourselves to base every area of our thinking based on Scripture. Then, we will have something worthwhile to pass on to the next generation.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Ark is Completed (But the Memories Continue)

I never did enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles .. until I shared the enthusiasm of my daughters. Now that both of the Noah's Ark puzzle are completed (to my amazement and satisfaction), I now finally understand that it was not so much the puzzle itself - rather, it was the interaction, challenge and the fellowship that took place which is of primary importance. The process of play is more important than the product of play.

Furthermore, the accurate dimensions of the Ark provided a series of lively discussion about the impact of the Global Flood, how even dinosaurs could have even fit into the Ark! Doing these puzzles gave the added advantage of being a "value-transfer" process as well.

Here's the conclusion when it comes to choosing the type of play to engage with kids - choose activities which has the following criteria :
  1. Creates opportunity for directed conversation.
  2. Promotes the exchange of ideas and solutions.
  3. Fun! - That's what memories are made of!