Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Ark is Completed (But the Memories Continue)

I never did enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles .. until I shared the enthusiasm of my daughters. Now that both of the Noah's Ark puzzle are completed (to my amazement and satisfaction), I now finally understand that it was not so much the puzzle itself - rather, it was the interaction, challenge and the fellowship that took place which is of primary importance. The process of play is more important than the product of play.

Furthermore, the accurate dimensions of the Ark provided a series of lively discussion about the impact of the Global Flood, how even dinosaurs could have even fit into the Ark! Doing these puzzles gave the added advantage of being a "value-transfer" process as well.

Here's the conclusion when it comes to choosing the type of play to engage with kids - choose activities which has the following criteria :
  1. Creates opportunity for directed conversation.
  2. Promotes the exchange of ideas and solutions.
  3. Fun! - That's what memories are made of!

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