Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Critical Decisions are Always Exclusive

We had a wonderful dinner tonight with Llewyn and Chris - a couple that has faithfully served together with us in The Marriage Course. The question from Llewyn - "Why did Jesus have to die?" started a train of discussion from Genesis to the Gospel on the origin of sin, sacrifice and ultimately how all this climax at the Cross. The unique thing about the Christian faith is how God works through real history and real people and it is all documented in the Bible! We worship a God that is firmly rooted in history right from Adam to Jesus and his wonderful plan of salvation revealed from Genesis to Revelation. 

Conclusion : Critical decisions in life (eg. marriage) is always exclusive. Without exclusivity, a relationship cannot go on to the next level. Similarly, the decision to follow Jesus Christ MUST be an exclusive decision. We rejoice that was the decision which Llewyn made. Welcome home, Llewyn. The angels in heaven rejoice! 

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