Monday, April 27, 2009

First "Genesis Relevance" Talk

On Sunday (26 Apr), we had six families gathered in our home for the inaugural "Genesis Relevance" presentation. The common "thread" that held us all together was the fact that we are all parents deeply concerned about the faith foundations of our children. Here are two opening thoughts in the sharing :
  • Culture is strongly defined by origins. Unless one knows clearly where he comes from, he cannot know for sure where he is going. Genesis 1-11 holds the key for building the right sense of identity.

  • Effective parenting is about putting our marriage first. Unless both husband and wife and united in one flesh and spirit, teaching our children from the same starting point of Scripture - our kids will be distracted by so many other competing forces of peer pressure and humanistic philosophies. Foundation building is a team effort.
At the end of our time together, there was a strong resonance that the building of a Biblical Worldview must start with us as parents first. It is only when we are personally excited about the relevance of Scripture to all areas of life then we have something worthwhile to pass to the next generation. As a next step, the majority of the families agreed to go through the Answers Academy package as our small step forward in reclaiming a giant plot in the future. We thank God for this core team of families that have provided my wife and I with the momentum to carry on the passion ignited from last month's training at Answers in Genesis.

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