Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Attraction of a Bumper Sticker!

I was in McDonald's yesterday evening with my two daughters when suddenly an American gentleman walked up to me and said, "Does the Toyota Innova out there belong to you?" Curiously, I said "Yes" - expecting him to point out that I did not switch the lights off or something to that effect. But his answer came as a total surprise ....

"Did you actually visit the CREATION MUSEUM?" was the response from this gentleman. Here's how he was able to link the car to me :
  1. He noticed the Creation Museum bumper sticker on my car. That started him thinking.
  2. When he sat next to my table at McDonald's, he thought - "Hmm, what's a dad doing here with his two kids on a school day? This must be a homeschooling family."
  3. Homeschooling -> Christian -> Creation. Isn't that totally logical?!
We had such a wonderful time of fellowship! The couple was Mike and Diane Constantine - an American couple from Virginia who now makes Malaysia their second home - ministering in the area of family and church leadership. See :

Isn't it wonderful how a seemingly innocent bumper sticker can cause like-minded folks to bump into each other?

p/s : Curious about the Creation Museum? Go to

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