Monday, July 23, 2012

Part 2 of the Climb!

Woke up at 12.35am today all excited about the final ascent. The drizzle and strong winds really made the climb challenging until I wasn't even aware when I reached the peak because it was just so dark and wet. If it wasn't for the guide from Tommu - a 22 yr old Japanese tourist, I may have struggled even more.
Reach the highest peak of Mount Kinabalu - called Low's Peak (4,095m) at 5.30am. Could not witness the sun rise due to cloudy & wet weather but the clear scenery which follows was worth it. There is a sense of majestic at the peak - no wonder Psalms 121 begins with "I lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? It comes from the Lord!" Amen.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Part 1 of the Climb up Mount Kinabalu

Whew! Climbing up for a total distance of 6km was certainly more strenuous than I thought! With no road access, everything has to carried up via the porters - amazing strength! We were charged RM8 per kg for our stuff they carry.
The prior practices at Gasing Hill was really helpful except that this 10X harder!
Am grateful to How Sing - my group leader & pacer - without him in front, I would not have had the motivation to complete today's climb in 3 hours & 45 mins.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Happy Feet at Poring Hotsprings

It was a good warm-up at the Poring Hot Springs hill and canopy walk as we loosen up to the big day tomorrow. The dip at the hot springs pool was heavenly! Blessed are those whose feet are happy! Today Porings, tomorrow Mount Kinabalu!

Arrival Breakfast in KK

Famous Yee Fung Ngau Chap in Kota Kinabalu - a solid fueling before the Mount Kinabalu climb tomorrow!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Singapore Trip in June (Nostalgia & New Friends)

This is where I used to stay upon graduation from NUS. Here in Prinsep Street, the place where I stay used to be a private hospital! Prof Salmon and her helper, Mui Yee is still as cheerful as ever - though now visibly weaker physically. Walking through the halls of the building really triggered memories of my single days!
Speaking about nostalgia, we had a chance to catch up with Desmond and Eudora - our old pals from Covenant EFC. Met their son, Yannis for the first time! God willing, we hope to visit them in Sydney next year.
Part of the reason why we went down to Singapore was to participate in the Ethos Speakers/Debate camp. Here's Eunice together with the rest of the young speakers.

Here's Eliza's group - which focuses on debate. Stressful and yet engaging and definitely a learning experience!
Of course, we are grateful for my brother and sister in law who graciously host us during our stay in Singapore. While Eunice had serious work to do at the Ethos camp during the day time, when evening comes - it is "Avengers Assemble"!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Fun Walk @Bukit Gasing (8 July)

This is the Fantastic Four team that successfully scaled Bukit Gasing for the first time. Note the super-hero on the right as he tries to inflate his muscular chest for this photo shot!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Visit to Royal Selangor (12 July)

The World Studies Club (WSC) had a field trip to the Royal Selangor Visitor Centre. Founded in 1885, Royal Selangor is the world's foremost name in quality pewter. The Petronas Twin Towers in the background was created with over 7,000 pewter tankards!
In the past, tin & sliver used to carried around in chunks and then literally torn-off to purchase items commensurate with the "torn" value! You certainly need a big hand bag for that!
This is the factory floor - there is still a high-degree of manual craftsmanship involved. Guess this is what makes Royal Selangor's pewter special.
For employees who worked 5 years - guess what? They get their own "High Fives" wall etched with their unique hand print and name! Talk about making an impression...
The money tree actually sets in under 20 seconds! It's amazing how something so hot cools so fast.
Me and my darling wife at the Hall of Frames ... yeah.. we have been framed!
Wai Bing demonstrating one of the most popular pewter item - the air-tight container with a cap that sinks down on its own. Worth watching .. but not so worth buying - the medium sized one cost RM850!
Here's the composition of pewter. But at the end of the day, it was actually what was in the pewter (100-Plus drinks) that really satisfied us!
Trip would not be memorable without a snapshot at the largest pewter tankard in the world! Wouldn't it have been great if it was filled with icy cool, root beer!