Monday, July 23, 2012

Part 2 of the Climb!

Woke up at 12.35am today all excited about the final ascent. The drizzle and strong winds really made the climb challenging until I wasn't even aware when I reached the peak because it was just so dark and wet. If it wasn't for the guide from Tommu - a 22 yr old Japanese tourist, I may have struggled even more.
Reach the highest peak of Mount Kinabalu - called Low's Peak (4,095m) at 5.30am. Could not witness the sun rise due to cloudy & wet weather but the clear scenery which follows was worth it. There is a sense of majestic at the peak - no wonder Psalms 121 begins with "I lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? It comes from the Lord!" Amen.

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