Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Day 5 - Church & Countryside (10 April 2016)

As usual, a great start to the day with a great English breakfast - courtesy from the Lim family. We are getting addicted to the UK sausages by now...

Spent a meaningful Sunday worship at Blenheim Free Church - attending service, enjoying the family lunch and also the Bible Study discussion group (focusing on 2 Peter 3:11-18). 

A simple garden wedding ceremony between Samuel Snowball & Lipper Foxy :-)


A walk through the countryside nearby... lovely Spring weather...windy but enjoyable. No wonder, people love taking walks in the UK - the atmosphere and environment is so conducive!

Of course, once back in the house, it is back to the Filming project again!

 Sunday Roast Dinner!

Before the Dinner..... (I am famished)

After the Dinner.... (I am fulfilled)

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Day 4 - Windsor Castle (9 April 2016)

We are so grateful to Chef Lim for preparing breakfast in the morning!

Heading to Windsor Castle via the public bus.

Feeding the swans and ducks at Windsor Promenade. Traditionally, the British Monarch retains the right to ownership of all unmarked mute swans in open water, but only exercises ownership on certain stretches of the River Thames and its surrounding tributaries. Interesting video on "Swan Upping" below.

A walk through Windsor Royal Shopping ... and lunch at Waitrose before the planned tour of Windsor Castle. Making sure we are all stocked up before the castle tour! Here's a video of a lunch protest march :-)

The tour begins with a guide - for about 30 minutes. Windsor Castle is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world. Over a period of nearly 1,000 years it has been inhabited continuously, and altered and refurbished by successive monarchs. Interestingly, the Queen's standard was flying high when we were there - meaning the Queen was around when we were there! The Royal Standard is flown at royal residences only when the sovereign is present. There are four quarterings - two for England (three lions passant), one for Scotland (a lion rampant) and one for Ireland (a harp).

This is the section of the castle where the Queen is residing in...unfortunately, we could not get a glimpse of her with her royal wave.

Since no photography is allowed in the various apartments/rooms in the castle, here's are YouTube videos introduction plus a few images from the Royal Collection Trust.

Queen Mary's Dolls' House -  the largest, most beautiful and most famous dolls’ house in the world. Built for Queen Mary by the leading British architect Sir Edwin Lutyens between 1921 and 1924, this most magical of residences is a perfect replica in miniature of an aristocratic home. 

St George's Hall - hosting state banquets, at the beginning of a State Visit, and is where the Knights of the Order of the Garter assemble each year before processing to St George's Chapel for their annual service. 

A state guest room for visiting dignitary.

Waterloo Chamber - This vast room was built in tribute to the success of the forces of Great Britain, Austria, Prussia and Russia at the Battle of Waterloo in June 1815 when Napoleon Bonaparte was finally defeated.

By about 4.30pm, we are finally done - however, we missed St George's Chapel which closed at 4.00pm. So, we may want to come back again since the ticket is validated for re-entry for the next 1 year. Wouldn't want to miss the place of worship at Windsor Castle. It is both a Royal Peculiar and the chapel of the Order of the Garter plus also the resting place of many famous monarchs.

Went back home in time for the girls' movie project and also...curry chicken for dinner!