Monday, May 21, 2018

First time in Sri Lanka

Touched down - 20 May aro 9.30am local time. This came back to back from a week of conducting 5 days worth of training - so, tired and exciting at the same time. Just finished preparing the deck for the 2-hour "Collaboration" presentation at the client's regional conference. Here's my Shangri-La concierge meet up person.

Moving through the streets of Colombo - you will not miss their 3-wheeler taxis - known as "Tuk Tuk" - similar to what you would find in Thailand. I find it so unique to be seeing majority of Indians who are Buddhists. Signboards are in 3 languages - Singhalese, Tamil & English.

With close to 100 participants at this conference, I was rather nervous as to how my presentation can connect with their Collaborative theme of "Now, for tomorrow". My struggle has always been to ensure that I do not "over-prepare" and over-rely on my notes. Guess this is God's way of keeping me humble and in step with the Holy Spirit so that my confidence and security lies in His wisdom and insight and not mine.

This is the look of relief when it was finally over! Whew! Skipped lunch while preparing for the talk - gobbled down 4 small slices of cheese cake to make up for it after the presentation.

View from my Shangri-La hotel room on the 21st floor. This is a ocean-facing property less than a year old. Most properties here are constructed by Chinese companies. Look similar to what is happening in Iskandar region in Johor.

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