Sunday, July 1, 2018

USA Summary (22 June to 30 June 2018)

Time flies - this is a summary of our first week in the US from 22 June to yesterday 30 June. Today being the sabbath rest day is an opportune time for reflection on the significance of the past week's events and also, to frame our perspective for the upcoming week.

What has been the significant events/learning for the past seven days?
  1. Connecting with the Stansells, Richardson & Gilberts was such a precious moments of fellowship that made our time in Nashville up close and personal.
  2. I am so very proud of Eunice - the outworking of her beliefs and convictions, with her talent to translate that into both the written and the expressive form. Emerging first place with the highest Young Speakers' Guild award is such an affirmation for her!
  3. Bought a book to help me get to know the American college application and scholarship. Feel that I need to learn more about the options available for Eunice in this land of choices.
  4. Felt kind of awkward hearing all the exciting plans for ICC even as the event is the swan song for us. We are looking forward to the next phase - picture still not clear yet, very much like Abraham - I hear the call but I do not see the destination. Not yet, anyway.
  5. It's kind of neat to be traveling with another family (the Chans) - we could share duties and take turns while driving a 12-seater, yes a Ford Transit 12-seater!

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