Friday, July 31, 2009

The Joy of Serving as a Family!

We spend a week in Sabah last week as part of a team from Alpha Malaysia organizing a 3-day Marriage Course Retreat for a group of pastors and their spouses. My wife and I love serving in The Marriage Course ministry as it not only keeps us together as a couple but also offers opportunity for us to travel and serve together as a family as well.

We are really proud of our two girls who sat attentively on their own - doing their own homeschooling work - while my wife and I serve the pastors during this retreat. In fact, the way I see it, this Marriage Course retreat is part of the "life classroom" for my daughters! By being passive observers of this ministry, Eliza and Eunice are receiving positive perception of the joys of being married plus observing for themselves in real life that great marriages are possible! This at the end of the day is what real education is all about, isn't it? Homeschooling gives us a wonderful platform to include "relational" elements which prepares them not only for intellectual pursuits but effective living as well.

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