Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day 2 : Arrival in Gastonia, North Carolina

After 30+ hours of travelling, waiting, conversing, eating, sleeping, dreaming, visioning and reading (Eliza "forced" me to bring along one of her favorite books - The Mysterious Benedict Society - to read. Found myself caught up in the plot!) ... we're finally here in Gastonia, North Carolina. Right now (11.38pm here) cannot sleep-lah.... hopefully, can get over the lag by tomorrow (which is free and easy) before the meeting with John Rosemond starts on Nov 18. Had makan at the Texas Roadhouse which serves great half-slabs! This place has free "kacang" and you can just simply throw them all over the floor - similar to the Roadhouse Grill back in KL.

On a more meditative note, I spend the majority of my time on the plane going through this excellent resource called "Life Purpose Planning" - a wonderful workbook for crystallizing God's purpose in one's life. Without addressing the issue of purpose, the activity of goal-setting is meaningless and lack the conviction for complete follow-through. Perhaps this two weeks away will provide that time for Wai Bing and myself to build a stronger sense of purpose for the future.

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