Saturday, November 28, 2009

Day 12 : Thanksgiving and Homecoming!

Nov 26 - Yes, this is our final day in the US. It is appropriate that today is Thanksgiving Day - we are grateful to the Lord for this trip for several reasons :
  • A refreshing time away with Wai Bing. Being away from the daily routine gave us focused moments for meaningful conversation and prayer.
  • The Leadership Parenting Coaching training with John Rosemond gave us a vision of how fundamental the family life is to true success. If there is one thing which I cannot fail in - it is my family (all other successes are shallow in comparison).
  • The wonderful and welcoming hospitality from Chee Sun & Beatrix! We truly feel the warmth of not only their fellowship but that of their friends at C3 Church in Greensboro. It is truly amazing how the Lord has used their leadership to transmit The Marriage Course to so many couples here in C3 and we pray that this is only the beginning of many more good tidings to come!
As I'm typing this, we are at Changi Airport - waiting for our final connecting flight back to KL. We miss our girls, the food and the fellowship back home. Thank you, Lord!

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