Monday, February 9, 2009

Beware of Imitation!

Someone once said that "imitation is the best form of compliment". This morning over breakfast, we were talking about what happens when we really admire someone? The answer : We imitate those we admire. That's why young people often dress up to reflect the looks of those they admire or they talk with a certain slang which is associated with certain characters.

The thought of the day is this : When someone looks at my two daughters, who do they see? Do I have enough in me that is worth imitating?

In my training, someone was remarked - "As a manager, I expect my staff to do what I say but don't do what I do." Yet, it is my doing that influences my daughter's being. What I do consistently becomes a "living message" that gets written in their hearts.

Effective parenting is more than just grand intentions - it is consistent actions. A regular 10 minute story-reading time everyday is so much better than a once a year holiday trip. Think about it. Rome is not built in a day - so is your child.

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