Monday, February 16, 2009

Of Breakfast and Books

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Beyond the stomach, the spirit is also an important component to be fed at the start of the day. This morning, we had a very lively discussion (including role-play as well!) centering on the morning devotional reading from Eliza. We walked away from the breakfast table - not only just feeling fed, but also feeling that we had a worthwhile conversation.

Nowadays, most of our reading is in private - as a family, I find that we build bridges of communication and "heart-bonding" when we share with one another what we are reading. Here's the principle : what we read, we think about - it is when we have the opportunity to share with another person what's on our minds that we are able to discern between truth and error, reality and fantasy. My two daughters are avid readers, it is my role to help them go beyond that and facilitate their thinking process so that what is read goes through the filter of values, beliefs and convictions before it is deposited into the worldview of their hearts.

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