Saturday, August 31, 2013

Day 9: IBLP Training Center, Healesville Sanctuary (Aug 19)

We visited the IBLP Training Center in Lilydale this morning to collect DVDs left for us by Harold Mally to be used in the Answers Academy ministry. Was impressed with the place which is complete with training, resource and accommodation facilities.


Quite conveniently, near to Lilydale is Healesville Sanctuary - an attraction which is part of the Melbourne Zoo network focusing on Australia's indigenous animals. Tried to cover as much as we can because we had to return the rented car by 5.45pm in the city.
Healesville Sanctuary has the only platypus show in Australia - they were more playful than I thought! Sure felt like bringing one home.

Whew! Made it in time to return the car by 5.43pm - was stressed by the city traffic and even made a wrong turn - got into a road that was only meant for trams and bicycles! Spent a relaxed evening with home-cooked spaghetti and Wai Bing had her taste of her favorite souvlaki from Lygon Street.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Day 8: The Great Ocean Road (Aug 18)

We headed off at 6.00am this morning - hoping for a leisurely drive through the Great Ocean Road and still make it back in time to the city. 15 years ago, Wai Bing and myself underestimated the travel time resulting in us missing the twelve apostles due to the rapid darkening of the skies. This time, we are determined to reach there in time with enough light to enjoy the twelve apostles view!
When I stop to fill up petrol before entering the Great Ocean Road drive, I was utterly amazed with the full end-to-end greeting by a rainbow in plain sight! What an amazing start to this drive!
Here we are at the Great Ocean Road memorial arch. Over two million folks drive through this arch each year - we are certainly appreciative of the war veterans who carved out this road in the early part of  the 20th century.

The Great Ocean Road for us seemed to be like the Great Rainbow Road because soon after we entered, there were just one rainbow after another and we were overwhelmed by the colors and also the opportunity to see it glitter from one end to another! Truly, this is an amazing reminder of God's covenant of mercy to Noah and his family after the worldwide flood a few thousand years ago. In fact, Eunice counted that there were nine rainbows in total which we witnessed!

Besides the ocean views, we were also greeted by scenic parks as well. Stopped by Apollo Bay for lunch. The strange thing about the weather is that it can rain and shine, rain and shine - all within just minutes of each other! On top of that, the winds are can be rather unpredictable as well.

Just before reaching the 12 Apostles, Eliza and myself took the steps down to Gibson Steps and had a close-up encounter with the cliffs and the sea. It was an awesome experience to come right close to the cliff rather than just admiring it from afar.

15 years ago, Wai Bing and myself missed the 12 Apostles due to the darkening skies and this time round, the challenge were strong winds and even hailstone showers! (Notice the tiny droplets of ice)
Had to seek refuge in the Visitors' Center a few times to escape the strong winds and sporadic showers.
Despite the weather challenges, the wait and struggle was worth it. 15 years later, finally, clear views of the 12 Apostles.....

Last scenic spot on the Great Ocean Road ... Lord Arch Gorge before the long drive back to IH.

Day 7: IH Tour, Great Coffee and Little Penguins (Aug 17)

We started today with a familiar tour guide - Wai Bing herself! While yesterday she brought us through where she studied, this time she is taking us through the place where she stayed during her first two years.

This is the Dining Hall where generous portions of meals are served. Glad that breakfast is included in our accommodation package.
A quick snoop around the student rooms.....
On the grounds of International House.

We then headed off towards Canterbury to meet up with Wai Bing's old Uni mates - Cindy and Khio. We met at The Maling Room - known for its latte and 63 degree eggs (egg boiled at 63 degrees for 90 minutes!). Personally, I had a great chat with Pastor Philip (Khio's husband) - who is the Young Adult Pastor at Bread of Life Church. 


Off we went to Philip Island for the little penguins! Before watching the Penguins Parade (they come in about 6.00pm during winter), we had a chance to visit the Nobbies - at the tip of Philip Island where there is beautiful scenery plus thousand of seals on Rock Island - but this island is so far out that the seals are only visible via an electronic telescope which cost $5 for a 4-minute look. So, the photo of the seals below is not from our camera.
Above you see Eunice facing the Rock Island where the seal lives....
(Seal photos taken from the internet)

With the strict no photography or filming for the Penguin Parade, the only photo we could take is just at the entrance walking towards the beach viewing area.
Because we wanted to get the best possible viewing seat (which is to the extreme sides in front), we had seafood dinner right at the beach viewing stand while waiting for the penguins to turn up. It was marvelous to be eating seafood while watching the waves come crashing in and feel the cool breeze in your face! However, it did drizzle for a while and later on, it got heavier but Thank God that the heavier part of the rain only came in towards the end. We saw plenty of close-up penguin action as they made it back to their burrows - particularly two cuddly ones! Here we are all wet but excited after the Penguin Parade ...
Since we are not able to take any photos, here's one from the internet ...

By the time we went by home... it was pretty late. Still, our stomachs were still yearning for warm food - here's where our packed Maggi Noodle came to the rescue!