Monday, August 26, 2013

Day 8: The Great Ocean Road (Aug 18)

We headed off at 6.00am this morning - hoping for a leisurely drive through the Great Ocean Road and still make it back in time to the city. 15 years ago, Wai Bing and myself underestimated the travel time resulting in us missing the twelve apostles due to the rapid darkening of the skies. This time, we are determined to reach there in time with enough light to enjoy the twelve apostles view!
When I stop to fill up petrol before entering the Great Ocean Road drive, I was utterly amazed with the full end-to-end greeting by a rainbow in plain sight! What an amazing start to this drive!
Here we are at the Great Ocean Road memorial arch. Over two million folks drive through this arch each year - we are certainly appreciative of the war veterans who carved out this road in the early part of  the 20th century.

The Great Ocean Road for us seemed to be like the Great Rainbow Road because soon after we entered, there were just one rainbow after another and we were overwhelmed by the colors and also the opportunity to see it glitter from one end to another! Truly, this is an amazing reminder of God's covenant of mercy to Noah and his family after the worldwide flood a few thousand years ago. In fact, Eunice counted that there were nine rainbows in total which we witnessed!

Besides the ocean views, we were also greeted by scenic parks as well. Stopped by Apollo Bay for lunch. The strange thing about the weather is that it can rain and shine, rain and shine - all within just minutes of each other! On top of that, the winds are can be rather unpredictable as well.

Just before reaching the 12 Apostles, Eliza and myself took the steps down to Gibson Steps and had a close-up encounter with the cliffs and the sea. It was an awesome experience to come right close to the cliff rather than just admiring it from afar.

15 years ago, Wai Bing and myself missed the 12 Apostles due to the darkening skies and this time round, the challenge were strong winds and even hailstone showers! (Notice the tiny droplets of ice)
Had to seek refuge in the Visitors' Center a few times to escape the strong winds and sporadic showers.
Despite the weather challenges, the wait and struggle was worth it. 15 years later, finally, clear views of the 12 Apostles.....

Last scenic spot on the Great Ocean Road ... Lord Arch Gorge before the long drive back to IH.

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