Monday, August 19, 2013

Day 5: Melbourne Walk About & Dinner Fellowship (Aug 15)

As part of the stay here at International House (IH), we get to join the students in their hearty breakfast - free flow of milk, juices, bread, cold meat, etc! Feel like a university student here with Wai Bing again :-)
Took a leisurely walk from IH to the city center - first stop - Victoria Market! One thing which we really enjoy about the atmosphere here is that the produce sold here is nicely packaged for easy cooking and they look just so appetizing and enticing!

Fresh seafood - all peeled and mixed, even marinated - ready for cooking. Even fresh abalone is available (so fresh, that it was still moving!).
Why is the pork's gender highlighted? We were told that female pork is softer and have less smell. Hmm... I wonder if this applies to beef and chicken as well - imagine, placing an order at a restaurant - "Give me a steak, please - well done and make sure it is a female!"
Eunice Tan having her Aussie meat pie meal (yes, complete with ketchup) ...did not check whether if the beef was female :-)
Got onto the free City Circle Tram for an overview to Melbourne CBD. Our first stop - Immigration Museum which was formally the old Customs House. This gave us a great historical perspective as the starting point of our visit.

Took a stroll along Flinders Street before ending up in Federation Square - the gathering spot for city folks. Found a wealth of information at the Visitor's Centre for our upcoming trips in Victoria.

As for our dinner plans, it is rather amazing that we were connected with Eddy Kam - a school friend of Pastor Jonathan. His children took initiative to prepare dinner and we had a wonderful time of fellowship - not only with Eddy's family but also with another of his dinner guest - Peter Doulgeris - originally from Greece, who came over to Australia when he was 16 years old. Australia was really desperate for immigrants in the 1960s - so much so that they were spraying countries like Greece with invitational brochures dropped off from planes! Our conversations with Peter about his early years of entry into Australia was such a neat closure to our prior visit to the Immigration Museum!

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