Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day 10: Snow Ecstasy on Mt Buller (Aug 20)

We woke up at about 3.30am today in order to be in time for our eagerly awaited one-day excursion to Mount Buller for the girls' first snow experience! A 3-hour drive from the city and here's a series of progressive snapshot of our journey up the mountain. As the snow got thicker the girls' anticipation grew higher - plus Chee Meng's family was with us as well, so double the fun!

Spent close to an hour at the equipment rental center - getting all dressed up - boots and waterproof pants are a must if you want to thoroughly enjoy yourself in the snow.
From then onward, it was about waddling, fighting and swimming in the snow.....yeah!
We had unlimited rides on the snow chair lift - up to the cafe - play and lunch before heading to the Toboggan Park.
 Wow.... Here's where the Toboggan Fun begin!
 Looks like Eliza does not even need a toboggan to have real fun :-)
 After a while, we discovered a tougher challenge - climbing further up for a more "shiok" slide....
Eunice made it to the top after much perseverance and tenacity. Well done!
My joyride down - really felt like a little child all over again!

 Eliza still mesmerized by the surreal nature of the white environment ....

The day passed by so quickly ... we played right up to the brim of the allocated time before we reluctantly got up to the bus to head home .... how we wish this dream would go on!
Warm meal at the Supper Inn, Chinatown to ease the evening down.

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