Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day 11: Back to Sydney (Aug 21)

Was so touched with the little touch of "welcome-back-hospitality" from Desmond and Eudora in the girls' room - Aussie animal theme chocolates!
A snapshot of Hancock Drive, Cherrybrook - our hospitality center in the suburb of Sydney.
 Special Shanghainese bun - half steamed and half toasted at Castle Hill shopping center with Eudora.
 Tea-break fellowship time at the community club with Eudora, Desmond and Yannis. The kids are discussion their filming steps for the sequel to "The Seventh Heart" which is "The Secrets of Yesterday".
Here's Uncle Bob - the long-lost brother of Uncle Jo-Jo - watch the movie to find out for yourself!
As usual, we end the day with a lovely meal - this time round, it is home-made sushi!

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