Walking from Circular Quay to Royal Botanic Gardens. Pleasant weather for today - we made it in time for the 1.00pm for the free tour guide - led by a retired agricultural scientist.
When I asked the question about the assumption of million of years that transpired in the formation of fern fossils - asking, "Couldn't it be due to rapid burial?" - he said that this could be possible and that he was not sure about what transpired in the past. So here you go - the concept of "millions of years" is an assumption and not a solid observational science data.
The leaves from this tree is actually coarse and used by as sandpaper by the native dwellers here. It is amazing how creative people were in the past - making use of what God has designed. Certainly, the plant kingdom is intricately designed by the Lord of heaven and earth!
This particular native plant actually requires fire and heat to release its seeds. So the regular bush fires in Australia is actually a welcomed event for this plant! Wonder if it pops like popcorn...
Rows of tulips greeting us at the end of the one-hour tour.
Job 40:18 - "His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron".

Don't be swallowed up by the world's interpretation of the fossil record!
This particular native plant actually requires fire and heat to release its seeds. So the regular bush fires in Australia is actually a welcomed event for this plant! Wonder if it pops like popcorn...
Rows of tulips greeting us at the end of the one-hour tour.
Reached MacQuarie's Point, located on the beyond Royal Botanic Gardens - the best spot to capture both the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge a the same time, side-by-side. Despite the windy conditions, we are still grateful for the view and the pictures above.
Seated on Mrs.MacQuarie chair - etched by convicts for her to enjoy the harbor view.
While walking towards the Australia Museum, we were distracted by the beautiful gardens along the way.
Eunice in front of the New South Wales Art Gallery.
A pool-walk with St.Mary Cathedral in the background before reaching Australia Museum.
Disappointment : Reached the museum at 4.30pm - and it closes at 5.00pm!
God's Appointment : The lady at the counter allowed us to go into the Dinosaur Exhibit for free! (which is the main exhibit which we wanted to see in the first place). Praise the Lord!Job 40:18 - "His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron".
Job 40:17 - "He moves his tail like a cedar...."
It is amazing how the "dino-to-bird" evolution is presented as fact! The feathers on this dinosaur is an extension of an assumption of the past but it is presented in such an objective way that the unsuspecting mind would take it as observational science when it is actually a part of historical science - full of man's interpretation of the past without a Biblical worldview. Click here for more on what the dino-to-bird" evolution is all about and the fallacy of the assumptions.

Don't be swallowed up by the world's interpretation of the fossil record!
It is tremendous to see the dinosaur fossils up close and we are glad for the ministry of Answers in Genesis who has given us such a clear Biblical worldview to discern the many fallible assumptions of the so-called prehistoric past which is anti-God, and anti-Creation.
Along the way, we were distracted by more natural scenery .... this is the walk across Hyde Park before reaching St.James subway station for our ride home to Pennant Hills train station.
This is the second time, we find Eliza's name on a billboard! Hmm... is this a sign?
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