Thursday, January 22, 2009

Converse Deep this Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year Holidays is just around the corner! Trouble is - there are so many things to do that when it is all over, we end up gaining a few pounds and if not careful, a sore throat as well - evidence that to eat & be merry may the order of the day. It's true that we sent plenty of New Year Greetings but do we have New Year Conversations?

For this coming New Year Holidays, I purpose to be more intentional in my conversations. Contact with friends and family abounds but I must be deliberate about making a connection rather than just eat peanuts and watch TV. How can this connection be done?

There are 3 questions which I will keep before me when conversing with others this New Year :
  1. What are your goals in life?
  2. What hinders you from achieving those goals?
  3. Do you have any word of advice for me?
May the above questions open up a wealth of meaningful conversations for you this New Year. Remember, right questions asked sincerely build bridges of relationships.

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