Friday, January 23, 2009

The Greatest Blessing is Behavioral

When someone says - "You have a blessed family!" - what comes to your mind? A big house? A fantastic balance between career and kids? There is a certain kind of blessing which is far more satisfying than the accumulation of possessions and far more lasting than material goods.

It is the blessing of transformed behavior.

I have to constantly remind myself that what constitutes real success in my family is not good grades and a great business but the extent to which our individual behavior positively impacts those around us. And it begins with me. What signals am I sending as the leader of my household? What character qualities do I consistently demonstrate at home?

I can outsource the teaching of skills for my children to others but when it comes to teaching values and matters of the heart, I am the best person to do it. I can buy plenty of gifts for my wife but when it comes to reaching her heart, it is my consistent, thoughtful behavior that will make a difference.

They say that charity begins at home - I will add on to that - character training also begins at home and I am responsible to make it happen.

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