Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Keep Your Nights in Sight

Had such a "nourishing" breakfast conversation with my brother-in-law this morning. One comment he made seemed just so practical - "If any of my friends want to catch up, I offer my lunch hour. The evenings are for the family." I find this boundary to be beneficial for the following reasons :
  1. The lunch hour places a natural time restraint because people need to get back to work after that. This forces the conversation to be more intentional and purposeful. If done in the evening, there is a tendency to drift. "The night is still young" is that common excuse.

  2. The temptation to drink (and over do it) is more prevalent during the evening hours. Furthermore, a certain type of "atmosphere" comes into play during the darker moments. So, the prayer of "lead us not into temptation" finds its preventive application here.

  3. The need for closure. One of the better ways to "unwind" is to reflect on the happenings and events of the day with your loved ones. Evening conversations build those connective moments where values are clarified and conclusions are developed. Think about a gathering around the fireplace (figuratively for most of us!) and sharing stories - this should cement the point!
Yes - we guys go to work but don't bring work-to-go when we reach home. The evenings provide that window of endowment where we are given opportunities to deposit precious seeds in the lives of our wives and children. Ask yourself - "How can I expect to harvest if I do not sow?"

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