Thursday, June 11, 2015

Day 0: En route the Music City of USA (Jun 9-10)

After months of planning, we finally are on our way for a month-long trek to the USA! This is certainly our most "mixed-up" holiday to date because it has the following elements:

  • Media prep training for Eliza for two weeks in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
  • Meeting up with Tom and Marilyn Reese.
  • Visiting a number of Christian colleges and universities.
  • Meeting Steve Ham and the team at Answers in Genesis.
  • Attending the ICC National Convention.
  • Eliza meeting with her TPS classmates.
  • Visiting Dr.Crandall in Moutain Top, PA.
  • Visiting Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter.
However, just before we left - Eliza fell ill with fever and stomach discomfort and we pray that the Lord will be gracious and shower His protection and healing upon us as we travel. The flight to Narita was smooth and the girls thoroughly enjoyed watching "Annie" on the way. Strange, no Japanese food served on this Japan Airlines flight :-)

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