Monday, June 22, 2015

Day 6: Camp Freedom & Ohio Trip (Jun 15)

Today marked the first of five lessons in Camp Freedom 2015 - a week long camp (3 hours a day) which look into the deeper issues of worldview, morality, politics and the philosophy of education. A real treat that one of the speakers is Carl Kerby - former AiG speaker.
Special porridge prepared by my wife as Eunice and myself now being affected by the "Eliza Bug" - that traveled all the way from Malaysia (Wai Bing was the first one to get it - Thank God, she has now recovered). We are now starting to get cold and feverish.... Furthermore, have to drive about 6 hours to Ohio (Loveland) today to Shaunna Howat's home. Driving in the intense summer heat had given me quite a tan on my arms!

Amazing that we had the opportunity to bump into Tyler upon arrival at the Howat's house as he just arrived from Indonesia - in transit to Texas to attend the ACCS Conference (Association of Classical and Christian Schools). Such a pleasure to be with Shaunna and Kyle, being in fellowship with liked-minded educationists! Arrived late....past 9.00pm. Feeling tired and a bit more ill.....

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