Monday, June 29, 2015

Day 15-16: iCon 2015 (Part 1, Jun 24-25)

All packed up to move from Red Roof Inn to Regent University for the ICC Convention (iCON 2015).

All ready for our first ever iCon-2015!

Wai Bing was helping with Ballot-Admin, and I was helping Au with the Tabulation team.

With Dr John McLean - a wonderful servant of the Lord - serving us with coffee/tea and plenty of snacks throughout the day. He is such a joyful brother in the Lord!

Dr Theresa Moon, Founder/CEO of ICC with the opening remarks and reminding us of the reason for our coming together and the core values of ICC. We had an interesting exposure to all the various tournament events which took place.

The tournament started with the debates - topic - Travel Restriction Has Limited Impact on the Spread of Communicable Diseases - Morgan and Franklin eventually became the tournament debate champion! It is a good experience to watch the top 25% of the ICC speakers in action.

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