Sunday, June 28, 2015

Day 13: The Longest Drive..(Jun 22)

Today is the day for the longest drive in our trip - from Murfreesboro, Tennessee to Virginia Beach - although Google Map estimated a journey of 10 hrs 20 mins, we took much longer - started off at around 6.00am (Central Time) and arriving in Virginia Beach around 9.00pm (EST). Total travel time was 14 hours! Why so long? Well, besides the usual break and eating stops...something else on!
Certainly, Virginia appears to be the right place for loving couples!

 Here's what caused an additional one hour delay - I got involved in my first ever overseas car accident! Because of the tiredness in my driving, I drove too close to the car in front and did not brake in time when the traffic in front slowed down. The young driver was obviously, terribly upset and as for me, it was a rude awakening (a similar type of accident also happened back home about two months ago where I was also feeling tired). Thank God for the following:

  • The traffic police responded really quickly - like within 10 mins, they were on the scene.
  • The "dent" caused was too light to be classified as an accident, so the police officer did not even generate a case number because it does not meet the threshold definition of a traffic accident (though the toll truck was waiting for the possibility of business!).
  • The emergency services of Hertz was helpful in providing the necessary insurance details. Am thankful that I bought the LDW (Loss Damage Waiver) insurance option at Hertz.
  • Although the young driver was throwing a tantrum, the police officer conducted the whole matter professionally and calmly. 
  • Finally, most importantly - no one got hurt (except my pride).
Upon check-in at Red Roof Inn, Virginia Beach - guess where did we head off to? Well, it was for a well-earned dinner at a Chinese take-away place (Fu Jian). Quality not bad! They even had a coupon special for those who spend more than $20! We ate to our heart's content. This longest drive certainly is a memorable part of our trip! Praise God for His Grace and Mercy provided along the way! 

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