Monday, December 31, 2018

Month in Review (October) - Traveling.

With October, the start of Q4 is in the works and the end of the year becomes more real. The marketing and signing up for church camp became more intense (sod did the exercise routines!).
  • Used CliftonStrengths approach to help someone in career transitions and seeking job fit. A productive conversation.
  • Did the chapel sessions at Harvest Christian Centre (on creation apologetics).
  • The culture transformation projects at my SME client base got into full swing.
  • Did my first full-fledged sermon preparation (almost two weeks worth) - coupled with a rehersal session! (which was good for time management purpose).
  • Enjoyed a one-on-one time with Eunice at BurgerLabs - had a free dessert thrown in due to the burger not cooked well.
  • Had a good chat with Ps Micah on the RTS journey.
  • Began the WIT (Walking in the Truth) meeting.
  • Attended my cousin's wedding in Penang - great to have my Mom along - traveling (and eating) together was fun!
It was a month of reaching out - to the students, teens, parents, working adult, corporate leaders and also to the Sunday congregation. Sometimes, I feel that I might be spreading myself too thin with such a wide variety of audiences. Maybe the effort to travel to Penang is a timely reminder of the benefit of cementing ties while Traveling Together. This do require planning and proactive connecting.

Month in Review (September 2018) - Teamwork.

This is the month I started calling Eunice - "coach" and began making adjustments in my schedule to do the "four-reps" of exercise she designed for me. It was tough but it felt good and that I had more energy in my daily steps. It was so encouraging to see Eunice all worked up in living a disciplined lifestyle.
  • CDPC Puchong's Leaders' Retreat at Janda Baik - had a good time of fellowship and also using Lego to envision the DNA of who we are as a congregation.
  • Confirmed using Canaan Valley Heritage Park for the campsite.
  • Always a joyful event when my grandma is able to meet my mom.
  • Did a LSP workshop in Melaka and both Wai Bing and Eunice got to come along, yeah!
  • Pastor Tony got married.
  • Started on a trilogy series at BFM - "Leadership is a Losing Game". Instead of Freda, it was now Christine who did the interview.
  • Eunice started her SAT tuition.
  • Started with the first Good Monday project of the year.s
For this month, it dawned on me the immensity of the task in planning for the church camp - thank God for the assistance of the team. Assembling the team and delegating the task was a real boost in getting things done (and of course, the input and feedback from my wife was extremely useful). 

I think with the collaborative effort from Eunice to get my health on track and the church camp committee, the learning reflection for September 2018 would be teamwork!

Friday, December 28, 2018

Month in Review (August 2018) - Tolerance.

August 2018 - the month where I officially reach the Five-0 birthday milestone.. And also, this is the first time Malaysians celebrate Merdeka outside of Barisan Nasional after 61 years. After the past month of traveling in the US (and spending lots), this is a month to settling down in the daily routines again - plus also to restart the "training engine".

  • Decided not to go for the "Inside Risk" certification training. Need to focus on what I already have rather than take on more programs.
  • Eunice went full swing into the health cooking and I am gradually joining in!
  • Spend time in Bank Negara's bungalow in Cameron Highlands with my family was a refreshing trip - Eunice loved the kampung durian!
  • IncrediTeam dinner (with Dicky).
  • Trip to Pulau Ketam - to seek for the special nasi lemak!
How would the month of August be characterized by? I think that spending time in adjusting to Eunice's desire for a healthy lifestyle was an important accommodation. In fact, it can be a fun and learning as well. Showing tolerance in being flexible to accommodate the likes and dislikes in others could be a point of practical connection.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Month in Review (July 2018) - Togetherness.

Eunice got into full swing at Union University for the Summit Ministries Camp, Eliza got into full gear with her Summer Travel Journalism team led by Prof Hornbeak - traveling to quite a number of states (with NYC being one of them!). And we the adults got into our full holiday plans to Minnesota.

It was a full month in the US with the remaining few days in Maui where I facilitated the international session on "Training for Evangelism" for the first time - five sessions in the express class - pretty amazing that I met my friend Rev Hiew there in the class as a participant.

Highlights of July 2018:

  • Eunice having her first boot camp experience in the US - a worldview camp by Summit Ministries in Union University, Jackson, Tennessee.
  • Eliza going for her two-week Travel Journalism summer trip.
  • The adults (Tans and Chans) off to a 16-hour drive from Tennessee to Minnesota.
  • My first international training experience at Haggai Leadership in Maui.
  • My family missing the flight home ..
  • My flight delayed in getting home .. (looks like our travel saga is becoming quite a feature).
Hmm..what does July surmise to be? The times of morning and evening devotions coupled with great lake views and root beer-ice cream combos was such a real refreshing threat to both body and soul. There was also a 2 day 1 night at Lake Superior thrown in as well! I enjoyed the fellowship with the Chans and the Newhouses - kind of feel that the family to family bonding is something we need a regular dose of. Maybe, a sense of togetherness could be the lesson? Eunice together with her Summit friends, Eliza together with her travel journalism folks and we adults together in fun and fellowship.

With the shorter life runway now, I need to be more conscious of walking together with others. To be able to last in the ministry, my wife and I need to be ministered to within the community of the Body of Christ.

Month in Review (June 2018) - Training.

The month of June 2018 - this is the starting line of which a flurry of activities began to roll! Certainly, there was plenty of anticipation as we were finalizing our long trip to the US which includes a iCON 2018 and also Summit Ministries (both in Tennessee).

Highlights of June 2018 includes:
  • Visit from David Chakraranayan and Bryan Osborne from AiG (as a spillover from their trip to Tokyo for the All-Asian Creation Conference). Very much encouraged by the ministry of Pastor Vin & team from GT Klang.
  • Had my first one-on-one Starbucks moment with Eliza - that was quite a deep conversation about life and relationships in general.
  • Trip to Singapore to visit the Cheng Hwee, Annie & family. Took the opportunity to start working on the CPF-related stuff (now that I am fifty years old).
  • Busy packing for the trip to the US (this time, we make sure that we bring our US visa along!).
  • Arriving safely in BNA - Nashville International Airport (flew China Southern Airlines for the first time - on the A380). Appreciated the chance to travel together with the Chans.
  • Eunice bagged first place in the Young Speakers Guild! Plus a host of other awards as well.
How would I characterize the month of June 2018? With May being such a busy month, we could not pull in the number of events/people needed for the AiG visit and this was such a cause of stress. Again, this is due to my over-presumptuous attitude and under-estimating the required preparation. This inevitably cause stress to my wife who often has to pick up the slack due to my zealousness to "activate" and commit without much thoroughness in thinking.  Also, a mixed bag of feelings as the was to be our last iCON and having to leave in such a "hurried" pace.

There is a sense than of what's next for us - as a family? for ministry? Being away in the US gave us a much needed break for time and reflection. If "transition" characterizes the month of May 2018, I would say then that "training" could be the emphasis for June 2018. Primarily for Eunice in terms of her iCON preparation and also our investment into her 14-day Summit Ministries camp thereafter. Eliza will be heading soon to begin her third year, further training and equipping. What is the LORD training all of us for? How is He preparing us?

Monday, December 24, 2018

Month in Review (May 2018) - Transition.

1st of May - that was the time when I officially started using the One Second video app and started to chronicle to a visual log book. Was impressed with how Eliza used it to journal down her four months experience in the Middle East, so I thought - this is a convenient way to create footprints in the digital sands of time.

So, as this year of 2018 is nearing its finishing line (today being Christmas eve), what is my Lord saying to me? What can I learn from the records of history? Furthermore, with this being my 50th year on planet Earth, how am I storing up treasures in heaven? (Matthew 6:19-21)

Here is a brief event-review of May 2018:
  • Processing Eliza's intercultural studies in the Middle East.
  • Having Josh over for a visit (included a trip to Melaka).
  • Eunice practicing hard for iCON 2018 at Lipscomb University, Tennessee. 
  • Our planning for next month's long trip to the US (together with the Chans).
  • Catch-up with Dicky (as he deliberates between ministry and marketplace next step)
  • Eliza's wisdom teeth (yes, all four!) removal.
  • Our first national service as PACA (Polling Agent Counting Agent) during the 9th May, the historic 14th General Election which saw Barisan packing out.
  • "Finding Purpose" workshop in CDPC Puchong by Alvin Ung.
  • Mother's day celebration.
  • One of my arduous training period ever - with almost back to back workshops and coaching fro almost two weeks (included a trip to Sri Lanka for the Baker Tilly regional conference!).
Holy Spirit, what insights can I glean from this gift of time which Thou have bestowed upon me and my family? Yes, it was a busy month indeed (with me almost falling sick towards the month end). Maybe some thoughts on busyness, the importance of individual catch-ups, handling transitions.

If May 2018 could be summed up in a sentence ..perhaps it would be a month of transition - the more obvious being the transition to a new government. Eunice was transitioning out of ICC, Eliza transitioning into the second half of her Asbury journey. What about Wai Bing and myself? Did we transition in some way? Perhaps in our parenting role, perhaps in my work focus (can't be stretching myself physically like this to earn a living).