Monday, December 24, 2018

Month in Review (May 2018) - Transition.

1st of May - that was the time when I officially started using the One Second video app and started to chronicle to a visual log book. Was impressed with how Eliza used it to journal down her four months experience in the Middle East, so I thought - this is a convenient way to create footprints in the digital sands of time.

So, as this year of 2018 is nearing its finishing line (today being Christmas eve), what is my Lord saying to me? What can I learn from the records of history? Furthermore, with this being my 50th year on planet Earth, how am I storing up treasures in heaven? (Matthew 6:19-21)

Here is a brief event-review of May 2018:
  • Processing Eliza's intercultural studies in the Middle East.
  • Having Josh over for a visit (included a trip to Melaka).
  • Eunice practicing hard for iCON 2018 at Lipscomb University, Tennessee. 
  • Our planning for next month's long trip to the US (together with the Chans).
  • Catch-up with Dicky (as he deliberates between ministry and marketplace next step)
  • Eliza's wisdom teeth (yes, all four!) removal.
  • Our first national service as PACA (Polling Agent Counting Agent) during the 9th May, the historic 14th General Election which saw Barisan packing out.
  • "Finding Purpose" workshop in CDPC Puchong by Alvin Ung.
  • Mother's day celebration.
  • One of my arduous training period ever - with almost back to back workshops and coaching fro almost two weeks (included a trip to Sri Lanka for the Baker Tilly regional conference!).
Holy Spirit, what insights can I glean from this gift of time which Thou have bestowed upon me and my family? Yes, it was a busy month indeed (with me almost falling sick towards the month end). Maybe some thoughts on busyness, the importance of individual catch-ups, handling transitions.

If May 2018 could be summed up in a sentence ..perhaps it would be a month of transition - the more obvious being the transition to a new government. Eunice was transitioning out of ICC, Eliza transitioning into the second half of her Asbury journey. What about Wai Bing and myself? Did we transition in some way? Perhaps in our parenting role, perhaps in my work focus (can't be stretching myself physically like this to earn a living).

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