Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Month in Review (June 2018) - Training.

The month of June 2018 - this is the starting line of which a flurry of activities began to roll! Certainly, there was plenty of anticipation as we were finalizing our long trip to the US which includes a iCON 2018 and also Summit Ministries (both in Tennessee).

Highlights of June 2018 includes:
  • Visit from David Chakraranayan and Bryan Osborne from AiG (as a spillover from their trip to Tokyo for the All-Asian Creation Conference). Very much encouraged by the ministry of Pastor Vin & team from GT Klang.
  • Had my first one-on-one Starbucks moment with Eliza - that was quite a deep conversation about life and relationships in general.
  • Trip to Singapore to visit the Cheng Hwee, Annie & family. Took the opportunity to start working on the CPF-related stuff (now that I am fifty years old).
  • Busy packing for the trip to the US (this time, we make sure that we bring our US visa along!).
  • Arriving safely in BNA - Nashville International Airport (flew China Southern Airlines for the first time - on the A380). Appreciated the chance to travel together with the Chans.
  • Eunice bagged first place in the Young Speakers Guild! Plus a host of other awards as well.
How would I characterize the month of June 2018? With May being such a busy month, we could not pull in the number of events/people needed for the AiG visit and this was such a cause of stress. Again, this is due to my over-presumptuous attitude and under-estimating the required preparation. This inevitably cause stress to my wife who often has to pick up the slack due to my zealousness to "activate" and commit without much thoroughness in thinking.  Also, a mixed bag of feelings as the was to be our last iCON and having to leave in such a "hurried" pace.

There is a sense than of what's next for us - as a family? for ministry? Being away in the US gave us a much needed break for time and reflection. If "transition" characterizes the month of May 2018, I would say then that "training" could be the emphasis for June 2018. Primarily for Eunice in terms of her iCON preparation and also our investment into her 14-day Summit Ministries camp thereafter. Eliza will be heading soon to begin her third year, further training and equipping. What is the LORD training all of us for? How is He preparing us?

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