Monday, December 31, 2018

Month in Review (October) - Traveling.

With October, the start of Q4 is in the works and the end of the year becomes more real. The marketing and signing up for church camp became more intense (sod did the exercise routines!).
  • Used CliftonStrengths approach to help someone in career transitions and seeking job fit. A productive conversation.
  • Did the chapel sessions at Harvest Christian Centre (on creation apologetics).
  • The culture transformation projects at my SME client base got into full swing.
  • Did my first full-fledged sermon preparation (almost two weeks worth) - coupled with a rehersal session! (which was good for time management purpose).
  • Enjoyed a one-on-one time with Eunice at BurgerLabs - had a free dessert thrown in due to the burger not cooked well.
  • Had a good chat with Ps Micah on the RTS journey.
  • Began the WIT (Walking in the Truth) meeting.
  • Attended my cousin's wedding in Penang - great to have my Mom along - traveling (and eating) together was fun!
It was a month of reaching out - to the students, teens, parents, working adult, corporate leaders and also to the Sunday congregation. Sometimes, I feel that I might be spreading myself too thin with such a wide variety of audiences. Maybe the effort to travel to Penang is a timely reminder of the benefit of cementing ties while Traveling Together. This do require planning and proactive connecting.

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