Sunday, November 14, 2010

Faces Along the Way ...

This is Irwin from Kuching, Sarawak. The latest Malaysian member to join the group. He was also on MH704 with us but he was not affected by the "transit trial" because he checked out directly from the immigration. So, all in all, including myself, there are four Malaysians for this upcoming leadership training (so far....). Photo above taken at Honolulu Airport, awaiting to board an inter-island flight to Maui.

This is Carlos Marquez - a US citizen (emigrated from Venezuela) who was with me on Hawaiian Airlines HA456 from Manila to Honolulu. We had a great time conversing about relationships, life goals, marriage and parenting. Although he is a single, I am impressed with his desire of wanting to make life count. Carlos was amazingly impressed with the life principles from the Rebuilders Guide (pictured above) that he browsed through it himself! I also drew for him a chart on how one can discover their life purpose and calling - he actually asked to keep the scribbling which I did because to him, that chart brought great clarity to his thinking! Before landing, I shared the Gospel with him using Bill Gothard's "spirit-soul-body" illustration and it made a lot of sense to him. Praise God for this wonderful opportunity to transmit His Living Word.

This is Ronaldo who was my companion on flight MH704 from KL to Manila. Interestingly enough, the day of the flight (Nov 13) was his 30th birthday! So, I gave him my Ferrero Rocher chocolate (part of the MH snack) as a way to celebrate this occasion. Although a Filipino, Ronaldo works in PJ as a programmer with Standard Chartered. He was on his way back to Manila to rendezvous with his mother (whom he has not met for more than a year) for a holiday trip to the US. We had a great time talking about parenting (he plans to get married by 35), life goals and other family matters.

Mr & Mrs Vincent from the Republic of Vanuatu - a island in the Pacific with a total population of only 234,023. Mr.Vincent is a high-ranking judge of Vanuatu and I met him while waiting for the "transit trial" to be sorted out at the Manila transfer desk yesterday.

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