Monday, November 15, 2010

Outing for Shopping

Taking a break after close to 2 hours in Walmart (from left to right) - Prince (Philipines), Dexter (Trinidad) and Mgulu (Tanzania). It was kind of interesting to be shopping together as a group of guys and then comparing best buys! (p/s : something later I ended up returning most of the products because I found cheaper products elsewhere - the great thing about customer service here in US is that they do not make a big fuss over product returns!).

A unique feature that reflects the outdoor culture here in Maui. The public bus has extensions upfront that allow for cyclist to enjoy the bus rides as well! Sure would come in handy for exhausted cyclists!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Good morning! Monday morning!! Quite an interesting international grouping you have there. Hope you have great week ahead. Heavy rain here and flooding in some part of town. Regards, Adrian
