I am amazed that the two Advanced Leadership sessions here in Maui is the 883rd and the 884th time since it first started! These are the final two sessions for this year before a new series of classes start again next year. We were seated with volunteers and also ministry supporters - am impressed with their spirit of servanthood and generosity in wanting to equip Christian leaders worldwide to be put first priority on the last command of Christ. We had a kick-off lunch with all attired either in business formal or their national dress.

This is part of the "Malaysia Boleh!" contingent. Two are not pictured here. We are the second largest contingent (6 persons) after India (which had 7 persons). Pictured here (from left to right) - Raj (Consultant), Alvin Lim (Malaysian Care) and James Nayagam (Human Rights Commissioner).

This is Rudy from the Philipines Air Force Chaplin. A mighty spiritual warrior who has been through the scars of real-life battle on the field!

Thomas from Papua New Guinea.

A-ha - This is Maged - my room mate from Egypt. A dynamic pastor who is also the Assistant Director of a Bible College. Admire his boldness in being a witness despite the persecutions.

This is Diego (not Diego Maradona!) from Argentina.

Kulasekaran and Dr.Raju from India.

John Komuo (Nagaland - a state of India) and Eric from Pakistan.
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