Saturday, November 13, 2010

Finally...Transit Problem Solved (and Fellowship Made)!

Mr.Lim and Mr.Wong from Malaysia.
Mr.Jewel from Bangladesh.
Sorting out the transit issue with the authorities.

Whew! We were stuck at the Transfer Desk for two hours and we were almost "forced" to check out of the airport in order to re-enter again due to communication problems between the MH and Hawaiian Airlines staff. Thank God for a Mr.Castillo of the Immigration who took a firm hand of the matter and guided us through the right process. Right now is 6.30pm - with just 30 mins left to boarding - so, this is a "rescue" just in the nick of time. Silver lining - met up with two other Malaysians and another person from Bangladesh who is also joining this leadership training in Hawaii! We now know the meaning of the word "fellowship of suffering" .... Next stop ... Honolulu, Hawaii....

1 comment:

  1. I was having serious food poisoning when you posted this...
